This young man battles cancer with a smile

Life can get hectic sometimes, and we end up getting caught up in the little things and forgetting that we should honor every day that we get to spend in this world. We forget that our time is limited and that the only thing that matters at the end of the day is having made the most out of the time you have.
The man in the video below was only 27 years old when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. However, his wife had just given birth to a beautiful baby daughter, so Nick decided to make the most out of the time he had with her and thought about ways to let her know just how much she loved her.
That’s how he came up with the idea to make a video and tell his baby daughter just how much she means to him. He also wanted to share the peace he felt even while facing death and let his daughter know that even during the worst of times, he maintained a positive attitude and just kept smiling. He wanted her to know that he felt blessed and loved.
Unfortunately, Nick passed away just three months after filming this video.

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