Woman Documents How the Tastiest Food from Across the World Looks Like

Food is such a big part of our lives. Whether we like to admit or not, food is more than just something we consume to keep our bodies working. We eat when we’re happy, we eat when we’re sad, and most of the times we eat a lot more than we actually need. We not only spend a lot of time eating food, but also shopping, planning and actually cooking the food.

On the other hand, food is an important part of most cultures. Exploring a country’s gastronomy is a great way to get to know more about its history and get a better sense of its communities. Think about. Western people can’t imagine celebrating any important event without food. What would a birthday party be like without a birthday cake, or Christmas without hot chocolate and smashed potatoes?

This leads us to the ‘Girl Eat World’ project. Melissa Hie, the girl behind the project, travels the world and tries delicious treats in every country she visits. She documents her best culinary experiences through her Instagram account, which has become extremely popular. The pictures she takes not only show the food itself. The backdrops are an important part of the photos and help those seeing the photos get a better feel of the overall atmosphere of a certain city.

Hie started this project because she usually travels alone and simply wanted to share her amazing culinary adventures with other people.  Here are some of her most popular photos. If you’re reading this on an empty stomach, I want to apologize in advance for what you are just about to see.

Hello Kitty Donut, Japan


Strawberries Dipped In Chocolate, Belgium


Rose Gelato, Paris


Frozen Yogurt, Malta


Blue Coconut Ice Cream, Malta


Fish-Shaped Taiyaki, Japan


32cm Ice Cream Cone, Korea


Koulouri, Greece


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