Medical Team Reviews Baby’s Case, Then Nurse Realizes It’s One She Personally Knows

Like many loving couples who are exciting about starting out a family together, Sarah Topilko and her husband Trevor of Edmonton were extremely happy when they found out that there are going to become parents.
They couldn’t wait to meet their baby, but sadly, that moment came way sooner than expected.
The baby was born prematurely at only 4 months. So instead of being able to take their baby home, Sarah and Trevor experienced moments that pretty much represent every parent’s darkest nightmare.
They were forced to watch their baby struggle between life and death, and the worst part was that they felt helpless. There was nothing they could do to help their baby.
Luckily, they were fortunate enough to have a devoted medical team on their side that went above and beyond their job descriptions to help the baby and offer him the best chances of survival.
“It was overwhelming. There seemed to be like two dozen people running around. Everyone had a job to do,” said the baby’s father remembering all the effort that was put into saving Connor.
But the medical team provided more than medical assistance. They offered Sarah and Trevor the moral support they needed during the most difficult moments of their lives. Watch the video below to get more details about this incredible story and find out how baby Connor is doing now.

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